welcome to the peacham pond association
Our Mission
The Peacham Pond Association is dedicated to protecting the environmental health of Peacham Pond in order to preserve its natural beauty and enhance recreational resources for current and future generations.
Peacham Pond's water quality protection efforts include:
Rigorous testing and reporting with the VT-DEC Lay Monitoring Program
Seasonal monitoring of watercraft and education of visitors through a public access greeter program to prevent the onset of invasive aquatic plants and animals
Educating homeowners surrounding the lake on watershed and shoreline protection practices
Monitoring and supporting all initiatives by collaborating with state and local agencies
Build Community
Welcome New Residents
Meet the PPA Board
Opportunities for Involvement
Danger of Invasive Aquatic Species
Watercraft Impact to the Pond
Water Quality Factors
Provide Community Resources
Public Access Greeter Program
Utilization of Annual Association Dues
Prevention of Invasive Aquatic Species
Our Story
Peacham Pond is a 331 acre, spring-fed lake located near Groton State Forest in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. The Peacham Pond Association was formed in 1947 with the objective, "to assist in improving, promoting, maintaining and protecting wildlife in the area and assisting each other in the betterment of the camp community."
During the 1947 meetings, the discussion focused on getting electricity to the seasonal properties on the pond, the stocking of fish and the quality of the roads. There were fifteen members who paid one dollar each in annual dues.
While board meeting topics still include roads and anglers, times have changed. Our discussions now focus on water quality, invasive species, the health of the loon population, and our relationship with town government.

President: Martha Winston
Vice President: John Weaver
Treasurer & Online Store Coordinator: Greg Crossan
Secretary & Lake Wise Coordinator: Pat Wiedel
Road Committee & Boat Launch Improvements: Ryan Chapell
Road Committee, Boat Launch Improvements, & Sponsors: John Guilmette
Town & Green Mountain Power Liason : Allen Freund
Vermont Invasive Patrollers (VIP) Coordinator: Greg Matusen