get involved
we’d love for you to join us!
Join the Peacham Pond Association
Help us in our mission to protect Peacham Pond for generations to come by joining our association. Members receive our bi-annual newsletter and an invitation to our annual picnic. Peacham Pond Association membership costs $30 annually per property. Dues can be paid through this website or mailed to our treasurer. A large portion of membership dues funds our environmental health programs.
Volunteer for Greeter Program
Our Peacham Pond Greeter logs and inspects watercraft that use the public boat access. The purpose of this program is to educate the public about Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) and prevent them from entering and establishing their harmful populations in our pond. Currently, the Greeter is hired to work weekends and holidays throughout the summer. A volunteer can work with the Greeter as part of a team or take on additional hours individually to provide more coverage. Training is provided and hours can be scheduled in advance.
Lay Monitoring
Volunteer Lay Monitors typically make eight to ten trips across the pond over the summer to collect water samples to test for water quality. Chlorophyll and phosphorus levels, as well as clarity measures, are shared with the Vermont DEC Lakes and Pond Department. Once analyzed, results are published each year as our "Lake Scorecard."
Become a Vermont Invasive Patrollers (VIP)
Using kayaks or canoes, a VIP is trained to identify aquatic plants and animals - especially those that are invasive. Using a "viewing tube" to see below the surface, VIPs paddle the shoreline and report their findings. Typically, the shoreline is patrolled twice a year. Contact Greg Matuson to get involved.
Join our Board
The PPA board is a group of volunteers dedicated to guide Peacham Pond toward a healthy future. We meet virtually several times during the year and host an annual in-person meeting on the pond. Serving as a board member provides an opportunity to meet your neighbors while collaborating on the common goal of pond preservation Rewarding, fun, creative and generative work!
Help Monitor the Loons
Love the loons? Loons are good indicators of water quality because they need clean, clear water to catch food. Help us by observing loon nesting sites, activities and successful chick hatchlings. Volunteers around the pond are needed to monitor the various coves reporting back to PPA and Eric Hanson from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies.
Peacham Pond Association Family Day
Do you like to plan events? Volunteers are needed to make our annual family picnic a successful, fun gathering of camp owners. We need help with ideas, planning, organizing, shopping, set-up and clean-up. Bring your new ideas to the table!
Road Committee
The road committee works in cooperation with the Town of Peacham road crew and Green Mountain Power by assisting in monitoring road conditions, tree hazards, drainage problems, culvert conditions and other variables to safeguard public roads around the pond. The committee, consisting of members who are landowners on or near the pond, provides a means of communicating landowners’ road conditions and safety concerns. The committee welcomes feedback about the Onion Point and Peacham Pond roads from all users.
Donate to Become a Friend of the Pond
There are many enthusiasts of Peacham Pond in our community. Whether you are an avid angler or a family member of a pond owner, your donation makes all the difference. All donations go toward the prevention of aquatic invasive species. Were milfoil or other invasive species to invade Peacham Pond, the costs to control are significant.
If you are interested in any of the opportunities listed above, please fill out your information and a member of the association will be in touch soon.
Thank you for your interest and willingness to participate.